tag lagi... dari ayu

ayu the sun tag aku ... hehehe... nampak menarik sgt tag nih..hehehe


1.hi,how r ya?
- yeah..i’m gud thanks

2.hey!you wanna go to mall?
- yeah sure .. with mu buddy ..not u ..sorri

3.i love you..
- I don’t need it from u anymore..

4. do you want some cookies?
-cookies..?? I prefer sumthing I baked on my own

5.can u take me a picture?
-what??? I’m not a photographer pls…

6. help me in my homework
- hey..hey ..hey… why should i..??? oohhh please…

7. here's my gift to you
-what gift?? if it is cheap… u juz have it …

8. let's just be textmates
-emmm no problem for a casual text… but u pay for it yeah…

9. do you want me to buy u an ipod?
- yeah of course… but make sure the one that I really wanted to have…if not ..just keep to it to yourself (yang belh menghabiskan duitnya..ambik jer ye beb..)

10.let's sit together in the bus..
-what..??? bus..??? no thank… my *** will fetch in a while..

11.hi baby..
-oppsss…I’m someone else baby now…

12.you still cute
-of course I’m ..

13.i still love you
-oooh really..??? but I don’t have feeling towards u anymore… n I hev someone who luvs me more..

14.can i visit your house?
- I moved to another place…. and I don’t think I’m gonna give u my add

15.do u love me

Follow these instructions:
named 5 candidates on ur listask them to complete this tag repost on their blogwrite the title"WHAT IF UR EX SAID THIS TO U?"
-again...aku tatau nak tag sapa... sebab tatau yang di tag ada ex ke tak..heeheh...so sesapa yang baca nih dan ada ex...sila ye... jangan tak buat tau...
-ayu teruja sungguh nak buat tag nih... bizi2 pun kugagahi jua...heheh


UmiMia said…
ha'ah kan..teruja kan nak buat tag ni..hahahaha
adenium said…
umimia - betulllll... sanggup tuh terus buat...padahal.. ada keje lain lagik..hehehe
kojah said…
besttttt sgt tag nih...tp tag lain pn bykkkk xwat lagik...camno??hahaha
adenium said…
kojah - tuh namanya menyerah diri... best kan... nanti ko kene buat jugak tau...hehehe
kojah said…
sis, tag2 sblm nie sy dh wat dh...yahoooo!tag nie xpyh la sbb xda nama sy...larikssss!~
Ruby Alias said…
hehe ..most of ur replies i wud hv used to if i got tag lah n IF i update blog lah ...nway good riddance to rotten rubbish ..thats my sentiment for eX-es
Amiha Ayu said…
same here...
ayu teruja gilos nak buat dis tag..
sanggup hutagn tag tag lain..
kojah said…
sis g mane?lama xupdate...huhu
adenium said…
zoe - bleh jr kalau ko nak buat jugak... tak pun msuk jer dlm mailing list suh bebudak kita buat..hiks..

kojah - i'm back..hehehe

ayu - hehehe... tq sebab tag me ..hehehe

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