selamat maju jaya

boss aku... Pn Azlena Haron... akan bercuti belajar... untuk persue her PhD..... dah mula cuti pun.... we just had a small celebration for her... macam gambar2 kat bawah tuh....
i didnt shop for her yet... after payday ok..hehehe... my boss.... all the best... and i shall call you Dr Azlena once u join the service again.... thanks for everithing... so no pix of her ye....

this is what i ate ye....

this 50rm note... is from her... duit raya haritu.... baru arinih dia bagik aku... arituh dia ada dah bgtau.. tapi aku pun lupa.... rezeki.... :-) .. again thanks...


Mommy Lily said…
uihh besarnye duit raya dia dapat.. best2
adenium said…
mommy lily - gatal jer tangan nak beli paper nih...hehehe
daela said…
haa....entry kita ni lately...pasai mkn ja...kan???
Anonymous said…
"Akak Ana yang pemurah"
Gonna miss her....
Rumet pertamaku ....sekarang huh rumet dkt 10 orang...nyampah ramai sangat...heheheh...
kojah said…
cedapnya satayyyyy!sis, leh la bnje dpt duwet ry tuh...hehe
theorangelily said…
akak..mencik laaa...lapo balik dah ni
adenium said…
daela - ini bukan makanan yang buat sendirik mcm kat blog org tuh...hehehe

Dy - jirannnnnnkuuuuu... i suka tau..dok ramai2 ....grrrrrhhhhh hehehe

kojah - tuh la...ko tak dtg plak potluck... baru nak banjer ko satay time tuh...heheeh

Aan - burrpppp... alhamdulillah... coming aa lagik pasal makann..heeheh
Ruby Alias said…
bon voyage kak ana..hehe ..

kak dy/cda ..kalau x nak dok reramai meh laa transfer ke kch ..muehehe ..ul get room with a view i tell u ..dijangka akan kosong hujung thn hapadan ;)
adenium said…
zoe - i was supposed to be there back in 2000 heheheh... tamau lah skang nih...

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