friendship award

this award come from Diana-K ..... many thanks sis...for this award... and being my friend.... so this award goes back to u...(takyah lah nempek lagik... heheehhe) and also my other friends as listed below....

  • Red Diva
    (kak red.. since u r bizi.. this is optional... but u also get this awards...heehhe)
  • Ayu
    (hang dah ada kan ayu... nak tempek lagik bleh gak..hahah)
  • Kojah
    (tempekkan jer nih... takyah jawab2 soklan ye..heheh)
  • Umimia
    (hang pun dah dapatkan rose..hehehe)
  • Diana-K
    (opppsss masuk list gak..kat atas dah mention pun...)
  • daela
    (daela ko harus tempek sekali lagik.... sebab blog ko ala2 nak bersawang...)
  • Angah
    (angah...tempekkan ini untuk kurangkan sawang..opppspssss)

  • Comments

    fezarena said…
    baru jerk tempek semalam lerrr...mekasih lah yerkkk...:)
    Harry said…
    thanks for this award.. i ll tempek on my blog. Happy friendship...
    BaiDuRi said…
    TYVM...really..appreciate to tempek haah??hik..hik..hik..maklum la 1st time trima award..peghak la sket..
    adenium said…
    ayusolo - heheh tau ko dh dapat... tapi bagik gak lagik...

    harry - u r welcome...

    baiduri - cenggini 1. right click n save gambar tuh... 2. insert gambar tuh dlm blog... hehehe
    chotz said…
    aa aa aaa.. mcm x pecaye je name chotz ade kat situ... betol kah?? ke typing error ke???

    papepon, trimas kak sid (chotz baru tau ur name laa)... 1st time oo dpt award.. teruja seh!!

    nnti i letak dlm blog... *hidong dah kembang2*
    adenium said…
    chotz - ini bukan typing error's for u..kan kita dah kawan...wahhh dah tau nama.. senang la ko recognise kakak ko sabtu nih dik... sbb jersey merahku ada nama lagik..hehehe... jap..idung kasi tutup sket ye..
    kojah said…
    thanx sis!!nnti sy collect ek...hihi
    adenium said…
    kojah - collect..jgn tak collect...hehe
    theorangelily said…
    ehhh..tenkiuh yekkkk bg award kat kite. hikhik

    thanks bebanyakkkk. saaaaayang akak. mmmuah
    adenium said…
    orangelily - u r welcome ... sayang awak jigak....
    MY HEART said…
    Wah... kiter dapat award.. baru bacer huhuhuhu.. thanks a lots mayang (ekceli baru tau nama awak mayang.. tu pun masa kat portluck party.. boleh plakkan??) ahaks...
    adenium said…
    hanarose - hehe... sib baik kenal jugak kan... :-)

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