achtung! achtung!

this entri will be sticky here for few days....scroll down for new entri
here.. i would like to say....
i'm officially let HIM (WHN ) GO..... no more WHN in my life .... everything's over


anom said…
What happened??? Bnd ni ke yg Sid tahu masa pot luck Red Mummy? maybe u hurt skrg but as time goes by, u'll heal. be strong :)

Kak Anom
Harry said…
nape? banyakkan bersabar yea,
BaiDuRi said…
kezutan apa di ambang tawon baru nih?? apa pun hrp semuanya ok..takde mslh yg x dpt diselesaikan..masih ada harapan utk buat azam baru..chaiyok!!chaiyok!!take care..
attyfir said…
banyakkan bersabar,take care
hye sis ,
Ruby Alias said…
laaa..what happen?? ..takper laa sid year new beginning ..throw out d rotten ones..begin anew ..erm jom travel ..hiburkan hati :)
Munirah Abd said…
kenapa kak??
tabahkan hati ye..
ni semua dugaan..(tp xtau apa..)

take care..
chotz said…
so yg kak red habaq dlm entry dia pasai benda ni ka?? kak mayang byk2 besabaq ye.. chotz tatau nk ckp ape coz saye xde pengalaman dlm hal2 gini..

just take care of yourself & please remember u got lots of people who loves & cherish u -> ur families & ur frens!!!
Diana-k said…
kak sid.......hang on there...... i know u're a strong woman.... masih ader harapan baru for u.... been there done that.... muuaaahhh kak sid!!
Mama_anggun said…
what?? sid, i know u r strong!! don't be sad...
azimask said…
sabar.. sabar...
mungkin tuhan nak bagi yg lebih baik.. insyaallah...
take care
jgn pening pening kapla okey...
muahh muahh take care....
kojah said…
i'm back!!sis, chill up okeyh...jgn kn ada...anyway, u can get more better than him...percayala =)
Mya said…
good job untuk potluck! i baru update cerita nie..

and btw.. jgn sedih2 k.. semoga semua masalah dpt settle dgn baik.. :)

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