LURVE affair

sapa yang ada affair tuh....???? aku ker...??? sapa yang in LURVE tuh....??? tapi aku memang lah suka LURVE nih ..sebab tuh lah sampai aku dapat LURVE kan tapi series lah... LURVE tuh memang best.....

actually nuffnang kan ada buat contest pasal lurve affair nih... menarik gak ... tapi aku takleh masuk lah... nak tulis pun tak reti kan... nak tulis tuh satu hal.... tapi nak express feeling pun fail.... hah korang.... mende gini kene lah express feeling tuh kan... biar org lain ada feel jugak....

tapi... aku nak tulis gak sumthing.... untuk tempek kat sini jer lah kan... hehehehe

"The very first time I met him after we had hours of conversation on the phone. I can imagine how nice and adorable he is by talking to him. I have no problem, but to say yes when he asked me out the next day. I was never like this, I normally wait for quite some times to meet stranger. My conscience also leads me to this, yes I have good instinct.

Yes he is such a nice guy. So again I have no problem to be friend with him. There’s a chemistry :-). We talk the same language. We share a star, it’s aries. Looking at him is like standing in front of the mirror. I can see myself. It’s him in my heart"....

hahahahah aku sendirik pun nak gelak... gelak ye... bukan feel... so... ini ke nak masuk contest... ??? hah sambung..hahahaha


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