nih amira punya keje...

korang...nih amira zafirah ye yang tag... erkk.. tag jer ke... bagi cuppis gak bleh..heheheh

List these rules on your blog

1) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog

2) Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours

3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs

4) Link the person who tagged you

1) facts bout me...

i. i was born on april 8 and it's aries... (motip??? heheheh)

ii. i'm the eldest in my famili...

iii. i luv food and travelling so much....

iv. i'm a simple creature on earth.... letak jer kat mana2... bleh hidupnya... apatah lagik kat shah alam ...

v. look so introvert... actually extrovert in my own world...

vi. once something is said... mean it...

vii. i'm who i'm....

2) 6 unspectacular ...errr...

i. drive only automatic car.. (err.. u bleh jadik my driving instructor..??)

ii. alwitz thinking bout losing more kg... but at the same time thinking bout food... erk..

iii. watching people's behavior is one of my fave past time

iv. blur...some times..

v. err... should i reveal all the unspectacular...hehehe

sebab orang sumer bizi aku rasa time cenggini.... so this tag goes to no one.....


BaiDuRi said…
..kecik ati la..saya tag awak tak penah jawab pun.. :(
adenium said…
baiduri - ahaks.. len kali tulis bior jelas... okeh..nanti ku buat..mauahahahah
BaiDuRi said…
wakaka..saja nk provoke..
adenium said…
baiduri - so abis utang ye..heheh

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