hadiah istimewa

korangggggg.... nak share ngan korang nih.... aku dapat satu hadiah istimewa sempena birthday aku kali nih..... korang teka dari sapa....???? jeng...jeng...jeng.... wahhhh... macam2 lah teka kan...

hadiah yang istimewa itu aku dapat dari my sister (piayuco.blogspot.com) ... korang nak tau tak apa hadiahnya.... she graduated with fyling colours... dean's list... semalam konvo dia... i'm so proud of u my sister.....

she is my sister... i know her very well..... those days ...during school time... she's so naughty.... my late father favour her so much... anak ayah... what to do kan.... sekolah pun ikut suka dia jer .... frust jugak aku masa tu... cuz i want all my sisters do better than me....

dulu... kami tidak rapat....kami selalu tidak sependapat... sometimes i treat her like she is not my sister...dont get me wrong lah korang... aku cuma tegas dengan dia... but not really to others lah kan.... not because i hate her... but... being a teenager...that is the best time to try out anything that u wanted to... i'm the one who responsible to look after her... so ..for sure..i want her to be the best.... but i think... i do the right thing... (or do thing right..???) ... we are now getting closer.... and she is now...totally like what i wanted her to be.... i'm so proud of her.....

kakak ( we call her kakak)... i'm so proud of u... now ..u can stand on your own feet.... have your life.... that is why... i'm sooooooooo strict with you... compare to ngah or adik.... u know why.... i take the responsibility ... when u r too young to think bout life... at the moment that u cannot c the real world... cannot understand what life is all about..... but believe me... now... i'm very proud of u...

so to my sister ayu, along luv you so much..... i will alwitz with u...


Anonymous said…
tahniah kakak!!!
UmiMia said…
congrats to Adik Sid....yeayyyyyyy
attyfir said…
congrats to adik sid..tahniah utk kakak jugak..
Munirah Abd said…
wahhh congratz kakak!!

dulu saya pun xrapat ngan angah!!
selalu je treat dia teruk2x..mmg sgt naughty..
our parent oso admit yg dia paling naughty..
now dah jadi org yg berguna..muhahahhaha..
and oso skang kami duk menyewa togather!!
adenium said…
munirah Abd - thank munira..(bg pihak my sis )...
yess.. that the beauty of being a sister kot..hehhe
Ayu Zuraida said…
kk xtau nk ucp terima kasih cmne kat along..ni la hikmah didikan along selama ni..along dh berjaya mendidik adik along sehingga kk jadi cmni..

kepada kwn2 mayang..secara jujur sy menyuarakan y sy berbangga mendapat seorg kk y bertanggjwb seperti ALONG..
adenium said…
piayuco - many thanks my dear sister

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