dinner - by MAS

date: 23 Mei 2009
venue: the courtyard garden, damansara
time: 730-1030pm
event: prize-giving dinner by MAS

i was there bout one hour late... after the dinner... MAS is announcing the winner... hey.. definately i'm not win anything...heheheh.... congratulations for those bloggers who win... clap....clap... clap....


Amiha Ayu said…
mana lagik pics?
sapa yg menang?

uii.... detail la skets sid!!!
Ayu Zuraida said…
xpe..jgn sedey2 k..cuba lagi lain kali.
Diana-k said…
ni apo kobondo nyer review nie??


we want moreee!!

we want moree!!!

we want mooooorrree!!!!

azimask said…
adooii.. addooiii

lagiiikk pleasee.. nak tau citer nyer agikk!!!!
kojah said…
mau spoon n fork MAS...huhu
adenium said…
*ayu* , diana-k, mimie azimask - korang.... wa sampai sejam lewat..dah tuh the event is so simple lah...makan2 jer..pas makan announce sapa menang... obviously... tak kenal sapa yang meanng pun...hehehe

piayuco - kalau menang bleh ajak ko u gak kan...'

kojah - dik non... skang mas dah tak provide sudu besi dah... business class tatau lah plak kan...heheh

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