agak stabil kembali

korang... dah 10 hari bekerja aku bertungkus lumus... demi masa depan career aku ... i serve the govt... so i have to follow all the rules ande the procedures... even some of it totally out of my way...
those days... i think... i'm will be in this public sector just for a short period of time...masa tuh muda... tak best nya keje ngan gomen.... but as time goes by... i think... even... my pay is not as high as most of u guys... but... the malaysian govt gimme incentive in such different way.... to cut it short.... aku baru nih berkursus untuk career development....

walaupun bukan ini yang pest time g pun... but i learn alot from this course..... about relationship.... commitment... cooperative... etc... this is the 2nd best course ...the best is the germany atatchment group.... i was with them - the g13 for about 2 months... all togather in malaysia n germany...

masa kursus nih.... we were devided into groups... dah tuh ada sidang plaks... combined dar group2 tuh..... what i can say.... for my sidang.... my group is the most happening group ever kot... sungguh bekerjasama rasanya... bukan lah aku kata group lain tak kerja sama... tapi kitorang nih yang satu group... macam dah kenal lama n sekepala.....

tapi this course was so hectic.... classes ends at 6pm... ada jugak lecturer yang lajak .... followed by pengucapan awam n public speaking.... yang ini aku kurang setuju... cuz for me... at our level... i dont have a problem to stabd in frint of people n talk... kan... ye lah... after tuh... we need to present our individual well as group we still need to stand in front n talk.... kat sini pun bleh judge kan... cuz... as for me.. we need more time to present our individual n group assignment.....

then we had study leave... a day before exam....kelam kabut lah jugak... tension... sumer ada lah kan......
finally...the exam... what i can say... bout my exam.... i can answer .... i'm doing good... but.... time is the big constraint.... tak cukup beb.... 3 hours.... kelam kabut... i have ideas to write.... infact... some of the question...i answered for 5 pages.... instead of 3.... seriesly.... if u just give them 3 pages... that's the straight answer...without.... analysis... etc.... tapi tulisan aku... maha buruk... tatau lah...the examiner can read or tak kan.... dan seriously..... aku tak cukup masa... the last 2 question.... i was in hurry.... just give them the fact.... some in point form.... so ,... aku cuma berharap... aku lulus.... doakan aku ye....

i did the preparation.... sebb tuh aku rasa... aku bleh jawab.... tapi ...faktor penghalang tetap ada....
lepas exam.... nampaknya macam semua puas hati... gang2 aku lah.... the guy who sit next to me in the hall was anip (haniff my coursemate in uni... condolence ... his father past away... a day b4 exam..)... anip said... "panjang nya mayang ..ko jawab soklan..." ... kalau nak tau... i was the last person to submit.... hahah... never in my life tau..... dah lah dalam kelas i was sitting paling depan...heheheh.... the ajim plak sound aku... "mayang.... aku jiwa kacau ...tgk ko jawab... langsung tak angkat kepala..." ... beb... aku tak cukup masa... ko tau kan,.... histori aku ngan exam2 gini... aku harap sgt aku lulus... kalau korang nak tau... aku paper work lagi tau..heheheh...

lps exam.... aku g tgk syurga cinta....hahahaha... kebetulan ada jusco day... so shopping lah skali.... heheheh.... the stori will be continued lah ye....hhehhe


Ayu Zuraida said…
dh la g shopping xajk..pastu siap g tgk wyg lak tu..aduh..mmg xleh tahn tuul..papepun kk doakn along lulus exm ni..
adenium said…
piayuco - thanks...
for i luv u man, i will ask u to come with treat...
mesti u nk tgk ngan pakwe u ..syurga cinta tuh kan...

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