award from mimi

award nih dari mimi.....( ....thanks mimi... :-) ....

and i'm gonna give this award.... to those who own a blog ....stop here...and reads my blog... :-)


Amiha Ayu said…
bestnya dpt award!!!!

good luck sid!
adenium said…
*ayu* - thanks babe :-)
kella said…
sorry for disturbin, actually im still new dlm berbloging nih! saje suka2..juga x ramai kenalan yg ada blog, but 1 thing fo sure.. i juz dont get it about 'award' segala nih!selalu tgok blog2 yg ada nih.. sorry if i choose u to ask this kinda thing!
what its all about too naive..hehe..
bdw, best blog u nih..meriah..
adenium said…
kella - hi kella...thank for come again...
actually 'award' , 'tag' for fun.... u get it from someone... then u give it to someone... kinda appreciation to our readers... :-)

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