Kopi: CBTL

Salam Kopi.
Hmm korang kata aku asyik gi kedai kopi fave je kan. *aku yang kata korang kata. Padahal korang tak kata pon hehe*

Baru nih dpt list of kedai kopi yang menarik perhatian aku. Baru 3 dlm list tuh yg aku dah gi. So plan tahun nih nak buat coffee hunting lah hahhaaha. Dah start harinih pon sebenarnya.

Long friday break. Kesejukkan dlm aircond. Pagi tadi minum kopi itam kosong je. So terasa nak makan scone. Terus terpikir CBTL (coffee bean tea leaf).

Drink: double choc latte.
Hmm it's not mocha. Not cappucino. But double choc latte. Great taste! Latte mix with the choc. U can taste sweetness of choc in latte. Tak lah manis kan. No syrup added I suppose. Agaknya lah.

Eat: mum's scone.
One of best scone in town kat CBTL. How to explain how scone taste erk? I alway refer it as bantat cake hehehe. I have totally no idea why this scone being so famous. Hahahha.

Ok itu jer :)

*live from CBTL TTDI*
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