
Ada tak yang tak suka keropok ikan. Hmmm aku memang hantu la. Tapi aku makan yg best je. Sbb aku kan tak suka cicah sos. Sedap dalam erti kata tekak aku adalah yang ala2 dalam gambar nih lah. Yang putih melepak kembang setaman aku telan time kebulur jer lah. Hahaha

Orang tranung panggil kepok. Sebut elok2 kalau KEPO'K tu jd mende lain.

Takde keje betul ke aku nih. Gambar kepok pon nak buat entri hahhaha.
Errrr chow ye. :p
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


Anonymous said…
Hey there!

My name is Danial from Lion & Lion, the digital agency. We’re currently working together with AXA AFFIN for a cancer outreach campaign.

I stumbled across your blog and I found it to be a really interesting! You have a solid writing style that’s really personable and fun. I wanted to ask if you’d be interested to help us out by writing a post to help spread cancer awareness and those suffering from it in Malaysia.

AXA AFFIN is working in collaboration with National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) to support cancer patients currently undergoing chemotherapy. They’ll be funding chemotherapy daycare usage for one cancer patient for every blogger that links back to their 110CancerCare website in their efforts to care for cancer patients. A post from you gets a cancer patient one-day funding for their daycare usage at NCSM Treatment Centre and help them through recovery, both financially and emotionally.

Drop me a line if you’re interested in lending a hand, or have any questions. You can contact me at and/or 013-2851995.

Thanks, I look forward to your reply!

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