
The sugar-free choclate moist and high fibre cream cheese cake from Secret Recipe. That's what i had for my birthday. health cake!!! so i can have it with less guilty huh... :-) . I love the one with chocolate. we had the 'celebration' at shana's place. Thankz to shana for the soto. My thanks also goes to all of you, thanks for the wishes i received from ; SMS: (Kak Ni) : Epi beday. Pnjg umur muroh rezki.. Derah2 lh naik pelamin… Amin ( Abdullah fauzi) : Dah nak masuk 31 doh weh… Selamat hari jadi sid (Azira) : Eppi bday..moga pnjg umur, murah rzki n bhgia slalu.. (Adik) : Hepi besday along…..smoga pnjg umo n dmurahkan rezki.i love u so much… (KB) : Sid, hapy besday. (Kakak) : Hepi bday along…ciuman td hdiah ptma.nnt suar askar hdiah kdua.cyg along.mmmuuuahh… (Zarul) : Hepi besday long..smoga pnjg umur n murah rzki..xde hadia nk bg la.. (Umni) : Happy b’day,dear! ( Juniaty) : Hai….eppi besday to U… may be d coming days n years will bring more joy and luck to u…...