i luv watch... collecting watch used to be one of my fave past time... but lately i'm not into it anymore... i havent buy watch for quite long.... the last thing i remembered i got one adidas watch for my birthday many years ago... then i took my father's everyday-use-watch after he passed away.... and finally 2 years back (it was summer 2006).. i bought a SWATCH from germany... it just cost me 50 euro.... my late father did the same... luv watch as well.... i remember he bought RADO which cost few K ... .. but it wasnt for me...finally my sis get it as a wedding present.... but guess what.... yesterday... i finally get that RADO..... hey.... i didnt steal.... it's legally mine..... initially i get something from my late mom... actually it was my father gave it to me after my mom passed away.... but... i dont really like the thing.... i'm just wearing it... when i went back to kampung those days.... but now.. i just keep it.... last year... i told my sister... i wanna t...